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Ayahuasca Madrid

The origin of Ayahuasca Madrid

In the year 2018, Ayahuasca Madrid emerged with the goal of providing our participants a space free from everyday and material obligations, so they can connect with themselves through different spiritual techniques. In our Ayahuasca Retreats, you will find a personal space that allows you to discover your true Inner Teacher.

We have recently changed our location to Pinar de Navalcarnero, 30 mins from Madrid. 



From my experience I had never felt so free and wanting to love the world as it is, without fear of accepting that life simply "is".

Our medicines


Ra - pé

(ceremonial tobacco)
Preparation based on shredded tobacco leaves that provides clarity and reduces mental noise.


Sacred plant that allows heightened states of consciousness and facilitates inner exploration.


Prepared from crushed tobacco leaves, it provides clarity and reduces mental noise.
Captura de pantalla 2024-10-25 a las 12.31.51.png


Datos info y reservas

+34 644 286 022

‭+34 659 398 734


Pinar de Navalcarnero

28600, Madrid, España

Horario de retiros

Viernes de 18:00

a Domingos hasta las 15:00


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